

“It’s working,” Jodi said. “I’m praying for my teacher.” Just two weeks prior he so disliked his teacher that he wanted to change schools.

I had listened to Jodi’s concerns, his complaints and his slanted perspective. I thought for a moment: “I have a solution to your problem . . . pray for your teacher.”

My conversation with Jodi definitely revealed that he was struggling with submitting to his teacher’s authority. He needed to know what the Bible says: “There is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” The Bible continues: “Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God.”

So what if Jodi’s teacher truly was at fault and poor in executing his duties? This was Jodi’s claim.

Reminds me of another time. A few other people and I were studying the Bible one evening. Our discussion focused on the importance of honoring, respecting and submitting to the God-established authorities in our lives.

We were closing down the discussion. Quietly, hesitantly Andy said, “My boss calls me stupid.” He went on to reveal some totally inappropriate verbal harassment. So what do you do now? Is it time to tweak the Bible, making an exception in recognizing his boss as an authority from God?

We prayed some serious prayers regarding the situation, shoring up Andy’s new-in-the faith resolve.

When we saw Andy a week later he was goofy-happy. He told us, “My boss lost her voice; she couldn’t talk all week.”

The Bible tells us to pray for, “all authorities, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life.”

God’s ways fall out of the sphere of human logic. But so do the ultimate results. Just ask Jodi. Ask Andy.

Experiencing difficulties with a person in authority? Do what the Bible says—pray. And expect the unexpected.

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