

She needed answers. “You can’t trust doctors to tell you all the side effects,” Edna said. So where do you go when you really need to know? One of Edna’s always-go-to sources is the internet. She laughs, “You can find everything.”

She floated from website to website landing at hystersisters.com. Edna wanted some compassionate, understanding answers about the medicine she was taking for menopause.

Perusing the site she noticed something that really spiked her interest. “Free Stuff.” Edna loves free stuff. She thought: “Who cares about menopause when there are free things available?”

Now Edna has her criteria for free stuff, “It has to be something I know I’ll use and have free shipping.” She ordered bath soap, face lotion and then spotted an offer for free hot sauce.

“Yes, hot sauce.” She clicked on hotexas.com/freesamples which cybered her to the Habaneros of Texas website. Soon she was signed up to receive a free sample.

Then in the lower right hand corner she noticed another offer: “Free Gift.” Now she was getting near giddy with all these freebies—Free Stuff Heaven.

With a quick click, the words instantly popped up on her computer screen. “IF YOU DIED TODAY . . . DO YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT YOU WOULD GO TO HEAVEN???”

The Bible states: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Edna responded: “Praise the Lord, I already have that free gift!”

Is your response the same? If not, there is a free gift waiting to set you free from sin so you can freely serve God as you await your free entry into Heaven.

Go to the Bible. Search. The Creator of the universe has a free gift just for you.

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