
Serving God and Failing?

Patricia couldn’t help thinking she had failed.

Months prior she had felt an inner stirring from God to lead a Bible study. Non-typical. She had setup in a downtown shopping area.

But now she was asking herself, “Why am I even bothering to do this?” She had committed through the end of summer—eleven sessions. This was meeting number ten. No one showed up. Actually…the grand total for all the meetings was...zero. Numerous people had verbally committed to coming. Countless flyers were handed out; prayer and diligent preparation were abundant.

A week later it was the final Bible study. It looked like another no-show gathering. Then Tammy poked her head in the door, “Is this where the Bible study is?” Clinging behind her was David, her seven year-old.

Patricia served refreshments. Led songs on her guitar. Taught God’s Word with all her heart. Yet after the meeting she felt a tinge of failure: “It seemed like they didn’t get anything”

A few months later Patricia saw Tammy. She said, “David keeps talking about the songs we sang and talking about God.” A pattern of very sporadic contact continued for years. And every time Tammy mentioned: “David is still talking about the Bible study.”

Six years after their initial meeting, their paths crossed once again. “You’ve had a big impact on David’s life,” Tammy said. “He’s going to church now.”

The words, “Big Impact,” seemed strange to Patricia’s brain. She knows this Bible verse: “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” And now Patricia has her harvest—David’s life direction has been changed. And likely his eternal destination.

Do not grow weary in doing good…you have not failed. Your harvest awaits.


Miracle Grandma

It said, “I love you,” twice on the outer flap. Across the top of the card in a second grader’s handwriting was printed, “Happy Grandparents Day.”

Mimi handed it to Miracle Grandma and the warm fuzzy emotions continued as she looked inside and read, “Thank you for being the best grandparent! Love, Mimi.”

So why is Connie, Miracle Grandma? She says, “My husband and I choose not to have children. We always said that there are plenty of children in the world and we can find some who might need us in their lives.”

For the most part this scenario hovered near zero. But then the first miracle happened. Connie became a follower of Jesus Christ. Then this Scripture became alive in her life. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

“The first time I saw Mimi,” Connie says, “I fell in love with her.” While volunteering at a ministry serving the needy, their paths crossed. Four year-old Mimi and her mother spoke limited English. Mimi, her mom and sister Maria returned often. Smiles and gestures sprinkled with a few words effectively communicated love.

Connie doesn’t recall when Mimi started calling her, “Grandma.” Her love for Mimi, and Maria and now two additional siblings is described by Grandma Connie as: “A miracle.”
When a person becomes a Christian, lifestyle changes to become God’s new creature are necessary. And for some not-yet-Christians the idea of changing, give up things, seems like too high of a cost.

Connie what would you be willing to give up in your pre-Christian life to be a Grandma?


And that is the way God’s great exchange works. God always provides superior replacements as we are transformed into people who choose to live for Him.


Are You An Unsalted Surfer?

I wrinkled my forehead, shaking my head, “No.” How could I write a God-focused column inspired by a surfing movie? That’s what my brother-in law Bill suggested.

I actually watched the movie Unsalted twice. It’s a documentary about surfing on the Great Lakes. One brief snippet kept popping into my brain.

A professional surfer from California stood on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. His words stirred me: “They’ve lost the passion or they’ve never had it.” He was talking about surfing passion. But there’s an exact parallel to our spiritual lives. I could just as easily be looking over a massive gathering of Christians, saying: “They’ve lost the passion or they’ve never had it.”

And sometimes, those words are part of my own inner reflection.

Jesus said, ‘I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot…So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”

Jesus is essentially saying unpassionate Christians make Him sick.

Jesus also said, “You are the salt of the Earth; but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

At a recent Bible study, a young man’s words exemplified Jesus’ desire for our attitudes. “The atoms in my soul are just jumping around; I'm so excited about Jesus I can't contain myself.”

Everyday a new wave to ride on our spiritual journey awaits us. The decision of our level of vigor, vitality and purpose for the ways of God also awaits us.

Like salt, the path to passion is basic, simple—essential. Read your Bible. Pray. Maintain vital connections with fellow Christians. The level of passion you choose for these will mirror your overall passion for Jesus.


Do Turkeys Speak?

“God is speaking. Are you listening?” While driving home those words from the radio jolted my mind.

The Bible says of God: “How faint the whisper we hear of Him.” And now the radio confirmed I had heard the soft-spoken voice of God in my heart.

Minutes earlier I had been traveling the opposite direction on an errand. Wet and blowing snow necessitated reduced speeds. Then just ahead a pheasant appeared in the road. Suddenly it crossed from the opposite lane into my path. With weather conditions, the “thump’ was inevitable. In immediate succession a huge wild turkey flew almost over my car.

Mixed with the remorse of killing an animal, I thought, “What are the odds of this strange unfolding of events?” Astronomical odds…

Arriving at my destination, I sat in my car wanting to decipher this episode. God spoke. Not audibly. I was the turkey. As in: “You’re a turkey.” A quirky term for expressing inappropriate behavior. A sickening, compassionate feeling for the plight of the struck pheasant had instantly inundated me. Nothing wrong with this.

My problem? Too often I lack appropriately compassionate reaction towards human beings.

This had happened about an hour prior. An older lady, I had known years ago, was waiting outside in the cold for a ride. I offered her a ride. But the compassion and concern I felt for her was dim. The offer mostly reflected a felt obligation. Really, I was relieved when she said: “No, I’m fine.”

The Bible say: “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”

God…forgive me. I don’t want to be nothing. God help me to change.


Un-rotten World

“I was starting to think the whole world was rotten,” Dean said.

But two Christians, Lucy and Corky, squelched his spiraling-to-hopeless thoughts. They will probably never meet Dean. And all he was seeing was his three children now attired in new winter coats. Provided free by Lucy and Corky.

Dean has had beyond his share of bad shakes in life. The rotten-side of humanity had broken into his car while it was parked in his driveway a few nights earlier. This, with everything else he sees, cast a bleakness over his attitude.

But then the un-rotten side of humanity arose. Lucy and Corky had felt compelled to buy winter coats for the community’s needy. They approached a local clothing distributor about a “deal.”

Now they had their criteria: “We don’t want any unpopular styles. You know—leftovers.” They wanted the good stuff. And they got it. Five-thousand dollars worth of warm, stylish coats. Then they passed them onto a local charity, fading into obscurity with one request: “For children only.”

Sometimes though, it’s hard not to agree with Dean. Thinking: “We live in a rotten world.” Which continues to decay.

The Bible says: “The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine. But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker…”

The Bible warns us to expect the world to become darker and rottener as the end approaches. But Jesus’ followers are to counter this. They are to be brighter and brighter. Shining with God’s hope.

Dean was smiling big and bright: “Thank you so much.” While Lucy and Corky didn’t hear his words, I’m sure they would say, “Thank God.”

Reminding us of Jesus’ words: “Let your light so shine before people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.”