
Miracle Grandma

It said, “I love you,” twice on the outer flap. Across the top of the card in a second grader’s handwriting was printed, “Happy Grandparents Day.”

Mimi handed it to Miracle Grandma and the warm fuzzy emotions continued as she looked inside and read, “Thank you for being the best grandparent! Love, Mimi.”

So why is Connie, Miracle Grandma? She says, “My husband and I choose not to have children. We always said that there are plenty of children in the world and we can find some who might need us in their lives.”

For the most part this scenario hovered near zero. But then the first miracle happened. Connie became a follower of Jesus Christ. Then this Scripture became alive in her life. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”

“The first time I saw Mimi,” Connie says, “I fell in love with her.” While volunteering at a ministry serving the needy, their paths crossed. Four year-old Mimi and her mother spoke limited English. Mimi, her mom and sister Maria returned often. Smiles and gestures sprinkled with a few words effectively communicated love.

Connie doesn’t recall when Mimi started calling her, “Grandma.” Her love for Mimi, and Maria and now two additional siblings is described by Grandma Connie as: “A miracle.”
When a person becomes a Christian, lifestyle changes to become God’s new creature are necessary. And for some not-yet-Christians the idea of changing, give up things, seems like too high of a cost.

Connie what would you be willing to give up in your pre-Christian life to be a Grandma?


And that is the way God’s great exchange works. God always provides superior replacements as we are transformed into people who choose to live for Him.

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