

“What is that?” the man laughed, as he stared at her dog. “He’s a greyhound,” my wife Nancy replied. Our greyhound is lanky-tall, multicolored, and kind of goofy looking.

Nancy is frequently asked questions about our pet. “Did you adopt him?” “Can I pet him?” “Is he friendly?” She loves to walk for miles, using these questions as conversation starters.

These walks have also caused her to be asked many other questions. Frequently a driver looking at a scrap of paper asks her for directions. Some only have the name of a family they are looking for. Yet they will ask, “Do you know where the Millers live?”

Our rural area is dotted with lakes. Often a car with a boat trailer will stop; Nancy can guess the question. “Where’s the public boat launch for...?”

One day my wife came home with her own question. “Why will we ask a stranger for information we need at the moment but if we have a spiritual question, we rarely mention it?” Just let it go with a shrug: “Oh well—there are spiritual things we just don’t understand.”

Now Jesus would be concerned about these unanswered questions. And Jesus offers a remedy: “Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking, reverently and the door will be opened to you.”

Don’t go through life without direction. Ask God. Don’t go around wondering about the meaning of Bible verses. Ask God. Ask a friend to study with you. Ask a pastor. Look to Bible dictionaries or commentaries. Use the internet.

Keep on. Ask.

It doesn’t matter where you start. Jesus promises that your destination will be reached: “For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened.”

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