
Church Fun

“But it’s not fun like Crestview Church” Jeff said. This was the church both Jeff and I formerly attended. He had moved away. I moved on to another church. Jeff still occasionally attends church, but it’s missing the fun.

Two weeks later I attended Crestview Church to hear a guest speaker. Ken Glaiser preached a no-holds-barred sermon— “Finish what you start.” If you were listening even half-heartedly, he poked you someplace. Pointing out how too many Christians bail out when the fun ends or challenges arise.

The preaching caused me to inventory my God-life.

When Ken finished, the church’s Pastor prayed a somber, heart-examining prayer. Opening his eyes, a big smile reflected a sudden countenance shift. He then asked Ken to end the service with a rousing, up-tempo song. Quickly adding, “Who said church can’t be fun?”

The Apostle Paul said: “I have worked much harder, been in prison…flogged…exposed to death again and again…beaten…stoned…three times shipwrecked…known hunger and thirst…been cold and naked…” He adds: “Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.”

So was Paul, one of the greatest churchmen of all ages, having fun?

Yes…he was.

To him having fun was not about serving the unholy trinity—me, myself and I. Paul’s fun was about serving the Holy Trinity—Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Paul was tapping into the higher reality of fun, of satisfaction, and of success. He later concludes: “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

True church fun engages when the power of Jesus Christ rests upon you. Transforming your life and the people in your sphere of influence to live more like Jesus. The downside? You must be weak. And then Jesus’ power becomes your strength.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great writing. One of the best "Inspiration Points" I've read. Thanks for the reminder that it is indeed really about him. The cross stings eh? So be it.