

I had already driven by the quirky Cambodian restaurant once—or was it twice. Lucky’s Donut. My thought-it-would-be-simple search for a van bench seat with seat belts was heading toward mini-expedition proportion.

God, all I need is a salvaged, You know, cheap seat. Minimal hassle please. That’s very close to what my wife and I prayed the night before. Shrugged shoulders, “no’s” and seatbeltless models were all I found.  The price?-- $350 to $600.

I needed a break to gather my thoughts. Lucky, served a favorite of mine—shrimp fried rice. So tasty.  

The Bible says: “Those led by the Spirit are sons of God.” Spirit led . . . even for a van seat? Sure. But sometimes we needed to stop. Yes stop, and see how the Spirit will lead us in God’s direction.  

I asked the only other patron, “Do you know where there’s another RV salvage place?” Soon I was out the door with a new destination.

When I made my final turn, I spotted a mega-RV dealer. But they only sold new rigs. I felt compelled to keep driving.

Hmmm. What’s that sign say? “RV Surplus, Indoor Flea Market.”

Shorty, the man at the counter said, “I’ve got one left.” We walked through two adjacent rooms. He unlocked a door. Down three steps, he unlocked another door. “It’s brand new. It’s just dusty,” He said.  I got excited: “How much?” Shorty said, “Twenty dollars.”  I questioned him about its lack of seatbelts. “I’ve got some upstairs; I’ll give them to you.”

Is it difficult to tip the scales of your mind from lucky moment to Spirit led experience?

I handed Shorty the only money I had with me—a twenty dollar bill. I left the building grinning. I raised my hand heavenward: “Thank you Father.”

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