

Ten-year old Michael’s soft expressionless demeanor sparked: “I’ve got my Bible.” I noticed the name “Cliff Miller” engraved in the lower right hand corner of Michael’s second-hand Bible.

Spark two: “Can you show me Jesus?” He simply wanted to see Jesus’ name in his Bible. Before I could help, Michael said, “I’ve found Jesus.” I  could see his finger up towards the front of the Bible. It was planted on the word-- “G-E-N-E-S-I-S.”

Well Michael has many things to learn. He sure is eager.

Michael’s attention next was drawn to the inscription of “Cliff Miller.” “That’s who wrote the Bible,” Michael said. “Cliff Miller.” I told him that wasn’t the case. He doubted what I said. Why would his name be on the book near the spot typically reserved for the author’s name?

Michael was heading to the right spot—a Bible study. The evening’s focus: “The Holy Bible.”

The Bible says: “All Scripture is inspired of God.” The original Greek language conotates a God-breathed creation. God breathed into Holy men’s lives as they wrote Holy messages to transform followers of His Holy Word into Holy people.

Some people need volumes of information to aid in their Biblical evaluation process. It’s available. All the scientific and historical facts any true seeker could ever desire.

Now Michael, when shown what the Bible said, instantly believed that God inspired every word found in the Holy Bible. Not a doubt.

Sure, a person can doubtingly explore reasons why the Bible can’t be true.  

And then there’s Michael’s approach. As Jesus said, “The person who humbles himself like this child is greatest in the heavenly kingdom.”  

The Bible-- God’s powerful, life-changing Word. His Gift to humanity.

Our part in it? Choose our reading attitude. Humble, eager to learn; call it a Michael-attitude-- a show-me-Jesus attitude.

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