

“The guitar legend shares the keys to a life well lived” headlined the newspaper article.

As the article approached the conclusion, a highlighted heading proclaimed: “The difference between spirituality and religion.” Here we go; this is my kind of stuff.

The guitar legend said, “Spirituality is saying: ‘May the heaven open up and angels bless everyone with a deep awareness of his own light. Religion is saying that only Jesus got the light; you’re full of (expletive) and you are in the dark. They are the only ones that got it and you’ve gotta go through them to get it. Man. In this life the only thing that’s holy is your relationship with your heart . . .”

Can I confess? Sometimes when I become aware of my own light, it’s dull; sometimes a mere flicker.

Can I confess again? I do believe Jesus is “the only,” but you don’t go through a person to get the light. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness . . .”

And then if my relationship with my heart is the only-holy thing; we’ve got a problem. My heart is too often not holy.

Why is it I find more alignment with what the Apostle Paul said? “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.”

Honestly; I’m not the only one. And I’m not talking major-felony evil but all those unholy heart flaws.  

I’ll never have a holy heart enough to face a Holy God. It’s my relationship with Jesus that connects me to this Holy God. While the transforming power of the Holy Spirit renews my heart, making it holy.

One more confession—my heart needs that everyday.

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