

“Rick can you give me ten dollars?” Daniel blurted out while I was driving some teenagers to church. I responded, “Daniel if I give you ten dollars, everyone in the car will want money.” I added: “If you need money, ask me privately.”

A week later while visiting Daniel’s family, he said, “I need to talk to you in private.” I instantly thought-- “What teenager-problem does he need to discuss?” He said, “Can I have twenty-dollars.” I laughed. Our previous conversation came back to mind. “You told me to ask you in private.”

I didn’t give Daniel twenty dollars to add minutes to his cell phone. Even his plea, “I’ll call you; we can talk about God,” failed.

Thumbs-up to Daniel for listening and creative soliciting. But he needs to know God’s plan on how to get ten dollars. And more.

This verse could sum up a lesson Daniel must absorb. “There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich.” One of the broadest principles of the Bible—“You will reap what you sow.” Give to get.

So Daniel wants money. What can he give? He can serve at church. He can give kind words, his attention to developing Godly character, his best effort in school, and love towards his family. And give money to the church offering.

When these actions are “sown,” his desires will change. His requests will be more God-centered. And God will open up opportunities for money to come into his possession for reasonable appeals.

Bottom line—Biblical principles of giving to get have proven successful for generations: “The generous soul will be made rich.” Need something? Shift your focus from getting to giving.

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