

Her soft, caring voice lifted my spirits. “I’m glad you called,” Marsden said.

I’ve made thousands of phone calls to newspaper editors to entice them to run my column Inspiration Point. Marsden had previously allowed me to send her my information, which included five columns.

Marsden continued: “They’re lovely.” I’m thinking, “Yes, she’s going to run my column.” Then the tone of her voice shifted, “But they’re so religious.” She paused…“We live in a secular world.”

I disagree.

The Bible declares: “The whole earth is full of God’s glory” We live in a God-infused world.

I did not tell her this. I took a tack she could relate to. First I said, “I’m not trying to convince you to run my column.” I surmised the answer was already “no.” I told Marsden that I have talked to thousands of editors. The vast majority include faith sections in their publications. And even more newspapers are addressing their reader’s spiritual interests. Adding: “Even the Wall Street Journal has a faith section.”

I was simply being factual--in an easy going manner.

Then Marsden, who was previously convinced I was “too religious,” totally surprised me. “I’ll talk to the publisher,” she said. “We feel like we should do something regarding faith.”

Many people are like Marsden. They maintain that we live in a predominately secular world. But then they encounter the urge to: “Do something regarding faith.”

The Bible says: “God’s invisible qualities-- His eternal power and His divine nature, are clearly seen. They are perceived in the things that God has made. So people have no excuse at all!”

This reveals that this urge for God is initiated by God. Why struggle against God? Engage in the God-life which keeps enticing you. As you sense God drawing you, ask Him for the next step.

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