

“So what are you doing this morning?” I asked my twelve year old cousin Timmy while talking on the phone. “We’re playing video games.”

I asked him which game he was playing. Being out of the video game loop, I couldn’t connect when he told me its title. “So is that the one where you race cars?” Timmy replied, “No, we kill people.”

“We kill people”--his words seemed so casual to him. Yet I couldn’t help verbally reacting with disapproval. Now I don’t know exactly what Jesus would think of Timmy’s video game. Of course I’m thinking He would find it offensive. I couldn’t imagine Jesus playing it.

Here is one reference Jesus made about killing, "Do not fear those who kill the body.”

Does this make sense?

From a challenging-to-perceive perspective, we must realize that Jesus considers physical death more of a life transition rather than an end. He went on to say: “but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body . . .” And big picture wise, Jesus was talking specifically about a person giving up their actual life for the cause of the Christian faith, being a martyr.

Jesus, this is blunt.

Die for my faith? With no fear?  O.K. give me a minute; let me put my going-to-church-smile on: “Yes, I can die for my faith in you Jesus.” I can give up my life.

Almost too easy to say. Here’s my life, but I know I’ve guarded my wallet valiantly. I don’t mind dieing; just don’t kill my personal time—I’ve got things to do. My life is Yours, as long as my public image stays intact.

“It’s pretend,” Timmy assured me when I questioned him about killing people.

God, please don’t let my relationship with Jesus be pretend.

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