

“Did you mean it Christopher?” I had to know. Christopher, who could float easily from being profoundish to being off the wall, responded, “Rick, you know I did.” He was only nine, but I knew his words were truth that Friday night.

Friday night—the gathering was a seven to midnight prayer meeting. Heart felt prayers and worshipful praise music punctuated the evening.

Christopher seemed a little restless. He got up from his seat and stood at the rear of the sanctuary. I glanced back occasionally. He was doing fine, even though I did notice he was munching on candy--Skittles.

The did-you-mean-it moment came when he responded to the preacher’s invitation to accept Jesus Christ, to enter into a right standing with God. The preacher said, “Raise your hand.” I glanced back; Christopher’s hand was in the air.

After prayers of repentance were offered, I went back to Christopher. He told me, “Rick, when I came here tonight I felt hungry. And it couldn’t be satisfied by eating these.” He pointed to the Skittles he was holding. He smiled, “Now I feel satisfied.”

Jesus spoke of this type of experience during His Sermon on the Mount. “Blessed and spiritually prosperous are those who hunger and thirst for a right standing with God, for they shall be satisfied-- completely.”

And David, the masterful author of the Psalms, wrote about his personal appetite pleasing encounters with God: “My soul will be satisfied as with the richest food.”

What Jesus taught about, both Christopher and David found out personally; God has something more satisfying than Skittles.

God’s banquet table of satisfaction is in knowing Him personally. And you are invited.

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