Howard’s eighty-six. He still does his own yard work, plays golf regularly, and has a “lady friend,” He’s hanging in there really well.
Being new to the neighborhood, there’s a lot I don’t know about Howard. But here are some observations about why I believe he’s doing so well.
Howard’s always smiling. The Bible says, “A merry heart is good medicine.” That smile on his face likely is a reflection of his heart. Which coincided with the words which always come out of his mouth—kind and gentle. As the Scripture say, “From the mouth the heart speaks.”
This Bible verse also reveals some keys. The first part says: “For physical training is of some value.” Howard is consistently mining worthy value by utilizing his body’s capabilities.
Then the verse goes on to say: “But Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” Howard’s connection to the Christian faith goes back decades. He’s even been attending the same church for around fifty years.
Here’s something scientists have discovered: “Research conducted partly at the University of Colorado at Boulder has found that regular churchgoers live longer than people who seldom or never attend worship services. For the first time, that extra lifespan has been quantified…those who go to church once or more each week can look forward to about seven more years than those who never attend.”
And finally; Howard knows without doubt that he will go to Heaven when death arrives.
Howard’s hang-in-there plan: a smile, some yard work and golf, a faithful commitment to church attendance, and a peaceful knowing that Heaven awaits. He’s got a great one.
Do you?
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