We’ve had entry level God-conversations; consequently I was surprised to see her car sporting a Jesus-message. People change.
Was this a sign of a new Cathy?
Conversation time. “Cathy I saw your bumper sticker,”
I said, “What’s Jesus the answer to?” She laughed, “I don’t even know what the question is…my cousin put it on the car.” Then she quickly changed the subject.
But I was able to get one more line in: “If you ever need to know the question…or the answer, let me know.”
So what is the question?
What is Jesus the answer to?
Definitely the bumper sticker’s purpose was to jar thoughts toward our final destination. How do I spend eternity in Heaven? Jesus is the answer to this ultimate question.
Once you’ve correctly discovered that answer or as you edge closer on your journey to the Savior, you will need to know how to live every day.
The Bible says: “Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature.” This is telling us, when Jesus was a child He kept getting bigger—naturally. But even as a child it was noticeable, He continually increased in wisdom.
His wisdom translated into intelligent, correct, successful living each day. Jesus knew how to interact with people and with Father God. Jesus embodies and defines wisdom by the way He lived.
Do you need to know how to live better? We all do.
Learn from the life of Jesus. Read and re-read and study the Biblical accounts of His life. The Bible says as Jesus grew in wisdom; He equally increased in: “Favor with God and people.”
Choose to grow in Jesus-like-wisdom. And then expect growing favor with God and people.
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