Rob and his wife Tabitha have a small shop which sells kitchen and bath cabinets. Right now they have at least three strikes against them.
The local economy just endured an 87 day strike by the city’s largest employer, building of new homes is near zero, and a new home supplies mega-store opened nearby. Too near.
And this is what I’ve read in the newspaper: “The collapse of the housing bubble is slowly sinking more and more sectors of the economy...Total (job) losses for the year to 438,000 ...The economy has entered a slow-motion recession."
Still I asked: “So Rob how’s business?”
“Business is great. We’re ahead of last year.” Rob said, “And I had a really good year last year.” Adding: “I attribute it all to God...He’s the one who got us into this business.”
The Bible says: “Be steadfast, immovable, always bounding in the work of the Lord; knowing that your labor is not in vain if it is in the Lord.” Sounds just like Rob and Tabitha.
Steadfast. This carries a weighty significance: loyal, dependable, firm belief, determination. Businesswise, the implication is a knowing-trust that the job will get done with excellence.
Attention to detail blended with a take-care-of-it-now attitude when problems arise.
Immovable. This is the ability to endure the inevitable adversities of owning a business. This attitude embraces: “If God got me in this business, I’m sticking it out until God wants me to exit.” Faith, faith, faith.
Bounding in works of the Lord. An engaging, energetic contributing and partnering with God’s work. Locally and around the planet. This defines Rob and Tabitha’s business.
Steadfast, immovable, and bounding has added up to “business is great.” The toll of the fragile economy has passed by Rob and Tabitha.