

When Mel said something about God or the Bible, it was worthy. He said a lot one evening, yet a particular phrase etched into my brain. “Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take a nap.”

I don’t remember the context and no Scriptures were cited to support truthfulness. Still, for years I embraced his words. They came in handy, justifying some very delightful naps.

Six years later, I quoted Mel while at lunch with my pastor. He was silent for a moment and then said, “I don’t know about that.”

My long held belief being challenged was inconvenient. I enjoyed it, used it to suppress nap-guilt. Even vocalizing the phrase seemed restful. But is it true?

The Bible tells this story. “As they got into a boat…Jesus fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that boat was being swamped. They were in great danger.

Jesus was taking a nap.

They were out in the boat to escape pressing crowds. Jesus had left the scene of significant God-work. In the boat He could have continued teaching the disciples. Or prepared for future ministry. Even helped to man the boat.

No, Jesus chose napping. Should I conclude resting was the most spiritual thing Jesus could do at the time?

Not really. He needed physical rest.

The story continues. “The disciples went and woke Jesus, saying: Master, Master we’re going to drown! Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and raging water. The storm subsided. All was calm.”

Jesus reveals the key to a God-honoring nap. Working for God can be tiring. Jesus eked out some time to rest. But immediately, when called upon, He was right back to spiritual business.

Naps are good...as preparation. Then we can awake refreshed; ready to serve God with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but did you ever snap at some innocent person, just because you were sleep deprived?

SOMETIMES (not all the time), the most spiritual thing you can do IS to take a nap. Not always, as you have pointed out- sometimes it is just an avoidance technique.