

She’s sent me birthday cards for the past twenty-five years. And I’ve never said thanks. Kay is my wife’s cousin. She also sends birthday cards to my wife and we always get one on our anniversary.

We started wondering: “How many cards does she send out?” There are the cousins, their husbands, maybe their kids, certainly her brothers, her parents, probably her aunts and uncles. And how about friends and co-workers?

Now these cards aren’t just signed, stamped, and out the door. We’re talking beautiful cards. The kind you look on the back to discover their origin. Inside is a hand written note crowding every speck of white space.

She ended my card with, “Love, Kay.”

She expresses her caring along with the desire to stay connected with people. But a characteristic in Kay’s life that rises as noteworthy is “enduring.” The Bible says, “Let us not become weary in doing good.”

I’ve never asked her. But this is almost guaranteed; at times she was too busy or didn’t feel like making the effort. She endured. She must have thought: does it really matter? I rarely acknowledged any appreciation. Yet she endured. For more than twenty-five years, she endured.

More than twenty-five years…

I am brought to tears as I’m reminded of my Savior, Jesus Christ who endured more than twenty-five years of effort attempting to connect with me. The Bible tells us why: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” I’m so thankful Jesus endured the cross. And beyond…

Thanks for all the cards Kay. You’ve reminded me to be a person of endurance. Reflecting the same unwavering endurance my Father God showed me.

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