

Doug’s work was impeccable; organized and he presented himself professionally. Yet he had one stumbling flaw which could cave in an entire project. He was never on schedule--not even close.

I started our conversation by listing the traits I appreciated about him. Then it came to the poke-you-in-the-eye time: “Doug, if you can’t stay on schedule, you’re not going to work for me any more.” His only response was five tersely measured words: “Just give me a day!” I did; I gave him an ultimatum to meet the next deadline.

Does God ever give us a that’s-it ultimatum? Sure, when we die, but how about pre-death? Is there a thus saith the LORD: “Shape up or I’m through with you?”

The Bible says: “Give thanks to God—He is good. His loving, kind mercy has no vanishing point; it endures forever.” Is this good news? Will God extend His mercy indefinitely?

Wait. The Bible says more. Looking in Romans 1, we see three parallel phrases. 1. “God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts.” 2. “God gave them over to shameful lusts.” 3. “God gave them over to a depraved mind.”

Yes, God has an absolute limit. When does a person cross the line? I don’t know. But if a person does, God will give a person over to their own sin. He will remove His restraint—“Have it your way.” This spiral into a sinful abyss will cripple many people’s lives.

Doug chose his consequences. The day came; the day went. He failed to deliver a promised timely completion. Our business relationship was severed.

Think you might be near the edge with God? Turn around one-hundred and eighty degrees and run towards the loving, kind merciful God.

“Just give me a day.” Today.

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