The leader sent his word out: "Men! Women! No more offerings for the building of the Sanctuary!"
The official word on the project was: “The people were ordered to stop bringing offerings! There was plenty of material for all the work to be done. Enough and more than enough.” Now, how many times has this happened at your church? Your ministry? How about relating to your household finances?
The leader was Moses. He was building the Tabernacle—a place to meet with and worship God. His problem was having too much.
Too much…I’ve been pondering this lately.
A couple weeks ago my wife and I took a nine-mile spin on our bicycles. We kept finding money as we traveled a combination of rural roads and small-town streets. We each found a quarter, she found a dime, and a penny or two and I found at least one more coin. All from different places along the route. And I even found a misplaced dollar coin after our bike ride.
It doesn’t end there. My wife walks to work and also for recreation. She often takes the same route. Yet usually five days a week she spots coins on the ground. And picks them up.
Is the ground oozing money?
Now tracking down each coin’s story is impossible. But may I suggest? This reflects a carelessness regarding money. Sure it’s a tiny amount. Yet simple math shows us; tinys add up to smalls. Smalls add up to modest amounts. On and on. Until it is possible to arrive at: “Too much.”
Jesus said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little, can also be trusted with very much.”
How much do you want God to trust you with?
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