And you? How many times have you failed this one?
Chuck was visiting Steve. Ticked-off at a mutual friend, he was ready to tell Chuck the whole story in detail. Well…his side of it. Not more than a couple words left Steve’s mouth and Chuck got an A+.
He raised his hand, inches from Steve’s face, saying: “I don’t want to hear it.”
Chuck knew the words of Jesus: “Moreover, if your brother sins against you, go tell him his fault—between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.” Steve was attempting to do the exact opposite, while Chuck demonstrated his stubborn refusal to join in.
Following this Bible verse results in: “You have gained…”
And then, there is the disastrous flipside: “You have lost.” For those who ignore this Scripture’s command.
So what is lost? First, the battle against sin is lost. When we start talking about an issue we have with someone else before we have tried to resolve it one-on-one, we are sinning. Consequently, sin multiplies. And because human to human relationships are one of the cornerstones of life on Earth, there is no aspect of our lives which is not vulnerable to loss.
Yes, sometimes it feels impossible to stifle the urge to vent. Thankfully, Jesus gives us the solution: “Pray for those who spitefully use you.”
We have two God honoring options. Talk to the person privately. Talk to God--privately. A combination works the best.
God first.
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