The Free Store, where she was shopping—for free, is an unabashed Christian ministry.
And they aren’t sneaky about trying to make Jesus known. Tracts, Scriptures on the walls, church service schedules on the bulletin board, always free Bibles and Christian books.
In the flyer titled, “What do you think??” she had answered correctly on five of its six questions. Do you know God loves you? Was Jesus a fool to die on the Cross? Do you know why Jesus died on the Cross? Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? Do you know exactly what you believe and why you believe that way?
She didn’t answer: “Is the God of the Bible real?” But she left a comment: “Belief is in the heart not a book!”
This would be a common way of thinking: “Follow your heart.”
I once looked up, read, and compiled every Bible verse containing “heart.” 800 verses. During this time frame, I asked people what “heart” meant.
Amazingly, even the godliest and the most intelligent people I know, provided somewhat fuzzy explanations.
So why would a person want to follow their heart? Would they even know exactly what they were following?
The word “heart” makes its first Biblical appearance in Genesis 6:5: “The wickedness of man…every intent of the thought of his heart was evil continually.”
Following the heart way too often leads to calamity. Or worse.
The Bible says: “The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip.” Here’s the superior approach: get God’s law, the Bible in your heart. This properly prepares our hearts to guide us in a slip-less life.
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