He wasn’t asking me. But I was interested in Sherri’s response. Galen complains of being plagued with crisis after crisis. Now he was sure, God was causing his latest run-amuck.
Sherri always tries her best to inject hope. It seemed futile as Galen was feeling pretty beat down.
Now here’s the strange twist. Sherri has experienced nearly as many challenges in the last year as Galen. Possibly more.
Family deaths. Selling her home. A business setback. Working in a variety of ministries which occasionally results in fatigue or illness Money seems semi-nonexistent. But she presses on with joy as she shares hope, God’s hope, with others.
What’s the difference between Galen and Sherri?
Attitude. Godly attitude.
The Bible says: “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such thing.” We each have a choice. We decide on how we think about God. Other people. Our situation. Ourselves. Etc.
Here’s an example. Sherri said, “I was at Wal-Mart looking at an ice-cube tray. I put it back; it cost too much.” Her secondhand refrigerator didn’t have any trays. She continued, “I just thought: God can provide one.”
Serving God fulltime and a $1.47 purchase is too extravagant. Almost seems like a why-is-God-doing-this-to-me-moment.
Two days later she was out for a walk. She noticed an ice-cube tray in some grass along the road. When’s the last time you found an ice-cube tray? There’s more. Three days later she found a second one.
When Sherri told me, she was laughing. Raising her hands toward heaven, praising God. As the Bible says: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say: rejoice.”