“Will Jesus return in 2012?”
He said, “You know the Mayan calendar ends in 2012.”
Actually, I didn’t know it still existed.
Then he spelled out an extraordinary alignment of planets which is considered a definitive sign by some.
He kept going.
Next up, Stan, who is a true intellectual, told some very fascinating facts about Nostradamus and his 2012 predictions.
Later I did some research of my own. Here are some more reasons people cite for substantiating the 2012 return of Jesus.
I do not vouch for their facts, credentials, or truthfulness. Simply things to ponder. (1) NASA scientists predict hurling-toward-earth Death Star’s arrival. (2) 200 million man Chinese army amassed as cited in the Book of Revelation. (3)Forty-five year God-given grace period ends. (4) Hidden Bible code reveals it.
Stan, who’s also a Bible scholar, asked us to read Matthew 24. “You could spend a lifetime studying it.”
Jesus’ disciples asked Him point blank: “What will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age.”
He lists a lot of signs. Including the oft quoted: “Wars and rumors of wars.” In addition: calamities, natural disasters, people turning nasty, on and on. But this is not what Jesus said first. First He said: “Watch out that no one deceives you…”
So our number one concern is not the date of Jesus’ return. The big number one is: are you living an undeceived life, following the one and only Jesus Christ?
And Jesus revealed that He doesn’t know the date of His return: “But only the Father (knows).”
Beyond this, Jesus offers this stern warning. “So you also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.”
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