
Mercy Kissed

It almost seemed like a comedy routine. But it was real. And it was happening in my back seat on the way home from Tuesday night church.

Two teenagers were making a case for the huge educational benefits of playing video games. Brandon started by claiming it helps his math abilities. Rich upped the ante by adding budgeting, and auto part’s knowledge.

They would mention a video game and then its enhancement to their intellect. Now I’m not a gamer. So my knowledge is limited, but the game’s names alone would probably cause a banned-status at my house. .

Still Brandon and Rich kept feeding each others enthusiasm. They added learning history to the video game benefits list. Rich said, “I’ve learned a lot about hippies.” I almost laughed. But it is actually sad how they think.

Then Brandon said, “Rick isn’t it neat all the things you can learn from video games?”

So now the door was open for me to really vent my take.

I was silent. Sure I could have said something. But I was pondering. I was pondering, “Mercy.”

The Bible says: “Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed.” What is this saying? The correct blend of mercy and truth will lead to right living before God and peace with people.

If I hammer Brandon and Rich with pure Bible truth, these two who have just begun exploring the teaching of Jesus, probably couldn’t handle it. Now mercy is cutting them a lot of slack—initially. Allowing them to grow a step at a time in their God-life.

And this isn’t ignoring untruth or permitting confusion.

Here’s the plan. Blend God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s power with a loving, merciful, and patient approach. This is the gateway to long-lasting life change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is another view: http://www.bruceongames.com/2008/02/08/the-bible-v-video-games/