

“I got what I deserved,” Jeff said. I laughed.

We had just put ourselves through the arduous task of running three miles absolutely as fast as possible. And I’m still questioning what prompted me to bust-a-gut with two-hundred people, actually paying for the privilege of having sore legs for the next three days.

After running races, a ritual takes place. You walk up to acquaintances, asking: “So how was your race? What was your time?” Jeff’s response surprised me. A more typical response would include a reason/excuse for a slower than expected time.

Not Jeff, he admitted his pre-race training and race day effort had added up correctly: “I got what I deserved.” “Jeff,” I said “That’s so true, isn’t it?”

Jeff’s words stuck in my head for the next couple of days…what I deserve.

The Bible says, “You O LORD, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.” My mind locked onto the concept of abundant mercy.

One of my favorite preachers defines mercy this way. “Not getting what you deserve. Getting what you don’t deserve.”

Even in something as inconsequential as running a road race, I started to see the mercy of God. Does a person deserve the ability to run? Does a person deserve to have the money to enter the event? Does a person deserve…? The planet has many people who are better humans, more godly than myself; yet they lack the blessings God has released into my life. This is His mercy.

The above Scripture continues as a prayer: “Oh God, turn to me and have mercy on me! Give Your strength to Your servant.”

Need more mercy in your life? Ask in prayer. Expect to receive His mercy. And then be abundantly thankful to God.

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