
Stupid Haircut


"Your haircut looks stupid," my seventeen year old friend said as he hopped into my car. I kind of liked it. It was a utilitarian quarter-inch buzz cut.

I scrunched my face, "What do you mean stupid?" I reminded him that I'd seen him with a similar cut. My friend explained. Besides the fact that he was better looking than me, I didn't have and sideburns-- zero. The two missing patches hair the size of a postage stamp sent me into the stupid haircut category. Yet I was so close.

Like many things in life-- so close.

The intimate desire to have a God-life, a spiritual life is shelved in the so-close department of many people's lives. Their thirst is never quenched because they never reach out to grab the refreshment their souls need.

Someone recently told me, "I haven't found a church yet." Have you looked? He's thinking about looking; he's thought about seeking God. He's thought about reading his Bible. So close.

God notices. The Scriptures say, "God looks down from heaven upon people to see if there are any who understand Him, any who seek Him.

I think my young friend was right. I grew sideburns. After all, I don't need to toss another clump on the so-close heap in my life.

And you? God's looking. And waiting.

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