Nancy serves the poor---financially and spiritually. She works in one of the more challenging environments in the world. Semi-urban America. For years, her Jesus-focused ministry’s financial needs have been met solely by God’s Providence.
Telling of a recent trust-God-for-everything month, she smiled, “I’ve been praying like crazy.” Then this letter arrived from a near-stranger. Along with a sizeable donation.
“I got my recovery check from Farmer’s Insurance. It was a lot more than I had expected. So—I tithe regularly, but somehow I don’t he with mission contributions.
I don’t know why, because I greatly admire missionaries! There is aretired missionary in our Bible study. Boy! Does he have some stories. Anyhow—I’m making a contribution…
No—don’t object. Let me expand my soul a little bit. Let me help while I can. The time will come too soon perhaps when I don’t have anything to offer. I don’t have much now. I really don’t do much at church—like I did in the past.
I wish I could be there to your see face when you get this check. Bless you…Deaton”
In Corinthians 9, the Apostle Paul gives the New Testament’s most concentrated exposition on giving. A central theme is: “…for God loves a cheerful giver.”
This connects to another thread. Revealed in these scriptural excerpts: “Your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God…overflowing through many thanksgivings to God…they will praise God for your obedience….thanks be to God.”
Do you see this? The happy, God-focused giver stirs people to thank and praise God.
When Nancy saw Deaton’s check she was in awe, humbled by God’s answer to her prayer…speechless, until joyful praise of God overflowed from her heart to her lips.
The cheerful giver, the grateful recipient “overflowing through many thanksgivings to God”. Providence happened.
Just like the Bible said!