Stamped on the plate was 1Cor926. I didn’t have it memorized, so I used it as a conversation starter: “What verse is that?”
Todd hesitated, “Let’s see...I’m not sure.” Shifting my question, I asked, “Well what’s the verse about?” Todd looked puzzled: “I don’t remember; we put it on quite a while ago.”
Oh. O.K.
My hope of connecting through what I thought would be a familiar passage fizzled.
Later I looked the verse up: “Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.”
The Apostle Paul, a devoted athlete for Jesus; is conveying a serious, focused, disciplined dedication to preaching the message of Jesus Christ.
A contemporary paraphrase reads: “I don’t know about you, but I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me!”
This must have been pulsating in Todd’s life when he upgraded his plates—his choice verse permanently stamped in steel for the world to see. But then…stamped-on-steel was forgotten.
God offers a solution for this: “Do not be afraid... earnestly remember the Lord and imprint Him on your minds.” Be imprinted by God—bear His indelible and distinguishing mark of influence and effect.
Furthermore, the New Testament declares the help we will receive from God: “This is the agreement...I will imprint My laws upon their hearts and I will inscribe them on their minds.”
A favorite hymn says it best: “On my heart imprint Your image, Blessed Jesus, King of grace. That life’s riches, cares and pleasure never may Your work erase; Let the clear inscription be: Jesus, crucified for me.”