As I stood there outside our downtown ministry, a quick discernment of what the Holy Spirit wanted me to do was vital.
My decision to schedule a meeting with Harry the following day included sound reasoning. First, I didn’t sense he was ready to make Jesus Christ his Lord. Rather he needed a spiritual band-aide for the moment. Second, Harry had zero understanding of what salvation entailed. Plus, he seemed intoxicated.
Even though Harry never showed up at our scheduled meeting, over the course of the next months we discussed spiritual matters several times. And God also enlisted others in the fight for Harry’s soul. Terry and Gary were two of them.
I heard all three talking one day. Gary said, “I got saved three weeks ago; it’s the best thing I ever did.”
Terry added: “You need God in your life. You can’t do it on your own.”
Harry responded: “This is the day I’m going to make a change.”
They agreed to attend a Jesus-centered meeting that evening geared toward people struggling with destructive lifestyle issues.
Harry never showed up. A couple hours before the meeting a hit-and-run driver jumped the curb, striking the rear tire of Harry’s bike. This slammed him to the ground. Though not seriously injured, pain and abrasions short circuited his plans to attend the meeting.
The Bible says: “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour.”
Harry got bit.
We need to do as the Bible instructs regarding those facing the devil’s schemes: “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers…be alert and always keep praying for all…”
Pray for Harry.