

“I didn’t come here to argue,” the lady said. The lady and her associates trooped door to door handing out flyers inviting people to attend a special meeting at their church. She handed my friend Phillip a flyer.

He glanced at it, handing it off to me. Scanning the literature quickly, I decided to ask some questions.

Phillip, who is investigating the principles of Christianity, heard me ask her: “Do you believe Jesus is God?” She said, “We believe Jesus is the Son of God.” I repeated my question: “But, do you believe Jesus is God?” She repeated her answer word for word. She didn’t answer the question. But offered: “Jesus is a god.”

The Bible says, “Let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’” The question is one of the most fundamental questions of Christianity. A simple response should be either “yes” or “no.”

I didn’t realize I was arguing. My objective was for Philip to have a clear understanding.
Before the lady left, I extended my hand: “Let’s not pretend. Our beliefs are not the same.” She smiled slightly. We shook hands; peace was made.

There’s enough proof to provide a book-length explanation of why Jesus is God. But ponder this observation. God says in the Bible, “Do not worship any other god, because I the LORD tolerate no rivals.” And the Bible contains numerous examples of Jesus being worshipped. From His birth until His return to heaven.

For example John 9:38: “Lord, I believe! And he (John) worshiped (Jesus) Him.” Because Jesus is God, Jesus never rejected a worshipper.

Later Phillip and I discussed the disagreeing-about-Jesus incident. Ultimately Phillip must decide what he believes. My hope is that his choices and your choices will be weighed according to eternal accounting.



“I was depressed, so I cut my hair,” Lisa said. Did that help? “I made a mess of it,” she said. “And then I had to look in the Yellow Pages to find a cheap place so I could get it fixed.” If it was only that easy to alleviate depression.

Have you noticed? Depression seems epidemic.

So much so that the World Health Organization predicts by 2030 depression will be the second leading cause of illness in the world.

What’s the answer? Can I offer you two approaches?

Here’s an idea from The Oprah Magazine. “One study suggests that exercise can be as effective as drugs in treating major depression disorders.” The Bible concurs with this. “Bodily exercise is of some value.”

The scripture continues: “But godliness has value for all things, holding promises for both the present age and the life to come.” The things of God need to be the greater focus.

David, one of the Bible’s greatest men, wrote three times in the course of less than a page: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?” David was talking to himself, voicing his depressive state.

Each time in these three passages he answered his own question with this response: “Put your hope in God.”

He didn’t hope in family or friends to pull him out of his quandary. Not in a new haircut. Not in shopping. Not in drugs. Not in a psychiatrist. And not in himself.

His hope was in God.

God will love when no one else seems to—including ourselves. Experiences fade. God is everlasting. When human wisdom fails, God’s word, the Bible, provides the ultimate advice.

God says, “Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.” Close to God is where true hope is discovered.



When my eyes scanned the e-mail, I felt like crying. It said, “You did a knockout job on the article.” From the editor of a Christian magazine, it referenced my first article for a nationally known publication. The e-mail also informed me of a delay. The article would not run until the next issue. My joy made patience easy.

A month went by. And then nearly another month. Finally--the editor’s next message arrived.

After a quick read, I felt like crying again. This time, from mountain top exhilaration, I plunged to the valley. As I read, my brain interpreted the message to say: “We can’t use your article, it’s not even fixable.” In reality the editor’s words had expressed more kindness. Somewhat consoling. Still, I had just been dumped.

Decision time.

Right away I made a choice to lockdown my emotions. Only God’s view could correctly manage the situation, not a tangled emotional mess. These words from the Bible offered godly direction. And personal inner strength. “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.”

I focused my mind on the extreme challenges of the editor’s job and recognized how awkward it must have been for him to radically shift his appraisal of the article. The Bible adds: “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

I prayed for the editor. In my correspondence to him, my objective was to avoid adding any weight to his already burdensome job. And more mind-battles had to be fought to maintain a godly attitude.

Bottom line. This is how God, through His written Word, tells us to act. It’s not optional.

In all situations, focus on obeying God.



Her soft, caring voice lifted my spirits. “I’m glad you called,” Marsden said.

I’ve made thousands of phone calls to newspaper editors to entice them to run my column Inspiration Point. Marsden had previously allowed me to send her my information, which included five columns.

Marsden continued: “They’re lovely.” I’m thinking, “Yes, she’s going to run my column.” Then the tone of her voice shifted, “But they’re so religious.” She paused…“We live in a secular world.”

I disagree.

The Bible declares: “The whole earth is full of God’s glory” We live in a God-infused world.

I did not tell her this. I took a tack she could relate to. First I said, “I’m not trying to convince you to run my column.” I surmised the answer was already “no.” I told Marsden that I have talked to thousands of editors. The vast majority include faith sections in their publications. And even more newspapers are addressing their reader’s spiritual interests. Adding: “Even the Wall Street Journal has a faith section.”

I was simply being factual--in an easy going manner.

Then Marsden, who was previously convinced I was “too religious,” totally surprised me. “I’ll talk to the publisher,” she said. “We feel like we should do something regarding faith.”

Many people are like Marsden. They maintain that we live in a predominately secular world. But then they encounter the urge to: “Do something regarding faith.”

The Bible says: “God’s invisible qualities-- His eternal power and His divine nature, are clearly seen. They are perceived in the things that God has made. So people have no excuse at all!”

This reveals that this urge for God is initiated by God. Why struggle against God? Engage in the God-life which keeps enticing you. As you sense God drawing you, ask Him for the next step.